Free trees!

For Eastside residents, schools, and organizations

Spring 2025 Giveaway

We have reached our sign-up goal! We will be giving away more than 1,500 trees at our annual Spring Tree Giveaway in March. For the first time since 300 Trees began distributing free trees in 2020, we opened our program to all King County residents, schools, organizations, faith communities, and small businesses!

We need volunteers…

Can you volunteer to help with the giveaway? Please sign up here for a 3-4 hour time slot on Fri March 14 or Sat March 15. You will direct participants as they come to pick up trees, and help load trees into their vehicles. Here is the signup sheet.

If you signed up for trees…

Go to our Giveaway Information Page for important information about the event.

If you missed this event…

please check back periodically or sign up for our newsletter to learn about future tree giveaways.

If you received a tree in our Spring Giveaway, you can identify the tree using our Tree Color Code. Each tree is identified by a color code. You can identify the tree using this guide.

Thank You! to all who participated in our Spring 2024 Tree Giveaway.

Our next giveaway will be in March 2025.

We will begin accepting orders early January. Check back then, our sign up for our newsletter to be notified.

Bellevue's Tree Canopy

Let’s improve canopy coverage in every neighborhood!