Free trees!

For Eastside residents, schools, and organizations

2024 Spring Tree Giveaway is closed

Tree Color Code: When you get your trees, each one will be identified by a color code. You can identify the tree using this guide.

If you submitted an order, you should have received 2 emails:

  1. A confirmation immediately after you placed the order.
  2. A ticket with a QR code, the trees you ordered, and your pickup appointment time. This was sent March 11th.

If you did not receive your ticket, please contact us!

If you missed this giveaway, don’t despair!  We will hold another giveaway next year, accepting orders starting in late January.  Bellevue residents can get free trees from the city in the fall, with signups starting in July.

300 Trees is also providing free trees for giveaway events in Renton, Issaquah, and Bellevue College this spring.

Thank You! to all who participated in our Spring 2024 Tree Giveaway.

Our next giveaway will be in March 2025.

We will begin accepting orders early January. Check back then, our sign up for our newsletter to be notified.

Bellevue's Tree Canopy

Let’s improve canopy coverage in every neighborhood!